
Friday, March 1, 2019

Airport ownership

Airport as being fully in camera owned enterprise is very important problem. There were a stilt of conferences, dedicated to this problem, which tried to examine and study experience of world confide of privatizing and shareholding of airdromes as one of means to increase effectiveness of work in conditions of market relations.Some countries cannot make aerodromes being fully in camera owned enterprises because they go intot have legal securing in governmental property of practise airports.Absences of legalized documents which break in right of management by governmental property take overt give opportunity to attract foreign investors, limit organic evolution of non-aviation natural action, and create a lot of other problems. So, holding such conferences is a good opportunity to determine conditions of reforms in courtly aviation and to fail development of business in airports.Nowadays integration processes and economic reforms which take key in Europe create qualitat ive new situation in the field of air transport. In these conditions coordination of efforts in the farming, forming of legal regulations and regulation of activity of aircraft companies, airports and other organizations of this field, directed at guaranteeing of safety flights and protection of customers interests is very important.During exit dozen of historic period to a greater extent and so one hundred of governmental aircraft enterprises and airports were made fully privately owned enterprises in Russia it is more then in countries of Europe, USA and Canada. In the United States the attempts to privatize airports are more successful working with small airports (Robert Poole and Adrian Moore p.2)There was a possibility to rent an airport a little bit earlier. Actually, anybody was able to rent an airport, run counseling, avian stations, etc anybody who nonrecreational more. Airport didnt have any advantage during that rent. The tasks of leaser, which doesnt dole out of airports problems, are easy to understand to get high profit from lease. And nobody knows how the leaser leave take care of that leased property.Aircraft Company, on the contrary, is interested in brinytenance of that property on necessary level, because it gets main funds from take-off and landing. (Robert W. Poole p.3)We came to conclusion also that making airport fully privately owned enterprise shouldnt be made by impulse. It takes years in the European countries to get all permissions to make airport privately owned.Some aircraft companies consider purchase of airports to be very profitable. For example, Austrian Airlines pans to buy airport of Bratislava (Slovakia). The matter it that Bratislavas airport is located 20 km from Vienna and Austrians want to use this airport as spreading field. Besides, Slovakia enters European Union and quantity of flight to Bratislava can be increased. Austrians hope to become the main airline not only in Austria, but in neighbor Slovakia.In dian government also decided to give green light to make two biggest governmental airports fully privately owned enterprises, which are located in administrative capital of country New Delhi and financial capital Mumbai (the city, which was known as Bombay).The minister of civil Aviation Rajiv Pratap Rudy announced in September 11, 2003 that cabinet of ministers adopted plans to plow 74 percent share holdings of both airports to private enterprises. Within octonary months government will prepare to auction and to finish receiving of applications (Reuters agency p.1).Airports will be transformed in two separate companies, with partial conjunction of government. Accordingly, the companies will be made privately owned separately, with help of auctions. Airports pledge of India, AAI governmental department, which controls 130 airports in the whole territory of country, will guard 26 percent share holding as well as functions of safety and management of air movement. In such a way the airports will have opportunity to become huge international junctions and to counterbalance compete actively with other airports of regions, as well as between themselves.

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